Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nutrition and Malnutrition

Nutrition and Malnutrition 

When I think about nutrition and malnutrition I think about The Dare 2B Different Program. This program meets Monday – Friday from 2:30pm -5:30pm. The program was started 12 years ago to help at-risk kids in the community. When the program first started the program I began to feed the children. Over the years we have faithfully fed the children averaging over 800 meals a month. The children look forward daily to receiving their home cooked meal. One of the police officer told me 12 years ago that for some of the children in the program that was the only meal they received. Through a well-balanced meal the children have learned how to eat healthy. When most children will not eat their vegetables these children eat theirs and ask for more. I know that there are children right here in the United States who suffer from malnutrition. I have noticed that over the years sickness has been very low among the children who attend the class. The dinner setting allows the children to sit in a family style environment and eat dinner with someone they know. Some children are latch-key kids and go home to empty homes with no meals prepared.

Operation USA

Operation USA is located in Port-au-Prince Haiti. It is an after school program that serves a free hot meal to at-risk school age children. This is a long time commitment to the Ecole National JM Henriquez School. Looking at the children smiling faces as they received their meals reminded me of the Dare 2B Different Program. I was really happy to see that there are programs in other parts of the world that see the importance of feeding the children.

1 comment:

  1. The Dare2B Different program, is that a program that was started within your town? It sounds like a great program and what a way to get involved and make a difference in the community. Those children are learning valuable nutritional information that will help them not only grow up to be healthy invididuals but also that they can teach to their children one day. I love that.
