12 years ago I decided to start an afterschool program for at-risk kids in the community where I live. I named the program the Dare 2B Different Program because I wanted the youth in the program to believe that they can be different by staying out of trouble, saying no to drugs and peer pressure, by staying in school and believing that they have the potential within them to overcome any challenges they might face.
Since the youth in the program are mainly teenagers no one not even parents are willing to pay for children who are old enough to care for themselves. There is very little money that comes into the center weekly and many times there are no funds.
Without a support group for the past 12 years I would not have been able to keep the program open. My biggest supporter I would say has been my family. My husband opened up the doors of the church dining area to allow me to meet with tht children daily with no price or charge. For 12 years we have used the building, electricity, phone service, and gas. My husband has volunteered to pick up the elementary students daily for over 12 years and you sometimes can catch him in the kitchen helping to prepare meals for the children.
I also have 3 children who have supported me in the afterschool program. For many years my two daughters have braided, twisted, permed and cared for the girls hair for free and my son has kept the boys hair cut. As a family I must say we have pulled together and accomplished what others would not challenge. Because of a supportive family there is a safe place where children can come every evening, receive a home cooked mean, get help with their homework and build positive relationships with their peers.
Each year for Spring Break we take the youth in our program on a weeks vacation. After much planning and raising money I feel honored to be able to say that today Easter Sunday a group of 21 youth and 11 parents and adults will be leaving on the Amtrak train for New Orleans Louisiana to step in front of over 500 people at the Hyatt Regeancy COOL JC Youth Convention . For most of the youth this is their first train trip and first time going to New Orleans.
With out the support of my family both natural and spiritually, the community and my principal along with some of the teachers this trip would not have been a success. The children are excited and all that matters to them is that they board that train today even if it means going without money and all the new clothing most children would receive when going on vacation. These children have learned to be thankful over small things( the kitchen) and in return they are receiving big things (New Orleans)
Having a good support system has brought me this far, having a supportive husband has given me the courage to go forward and not give up. Having a supportive pastor as my husband has made all the difference and given me the courage to "Dare 2B Different"
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