Saturday, May 12, 2012


UNICEF is the organization that I chose. I found this site to be user friendly and the statement that first appears “We are the leading advocate for children's rights, active in more than 190 countries and territories through country programs and national committees, states exactly what the site is about.

Since I have a special interest in Jamaica I chose to view one of their current issues. Jaevion Nelson, author of an editorial advocacy network on child rights in the Jamaica Observer is a member of the Jamaican Youth Network. In this article Nelson discusses that two decades ago (1989) world leaders made a historic agreement through the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) which acknowledges that government caregivers and state holders must respect, promote and fulfill the rights of all children within the society.


  1. Rosemary,

    I think that we all should adopt that agreement. Children are a precious gift from God. When they are mistreated, neglected and are not afforded the advantages as other children it saddens me. In a training that I attended a few years ago the instructor told us that we treat children as if they were part of our garden. We water the flowers and cut the weeds. The children are our flowers. We water them by given them the education and knowledge that they need that will carryover with them into adulthood. The weeds are the negative things that might prevent them from receiving what we have to offer them.

  2. Hello Rosemary,

    I remember seeing UNICEF donation boxes in my neighborhood stores when I was a child. I remember placing coins in the box becuase I wanted to help the children pictured on the box. Now the school I work in participate in a penny drive donating pennies to UNICEF. I encourage my class to participate.

  3. I will be reading to see the issues also. Angela made a great point about children being our gardens. Just think if we only had the money that people put into there gardens for education.

  4. I have always heard of UNICEF, but I was unsure of what they did for children. I will have to look at the link to read up on it. Hopefully you were able to figure out how to submit your posts this weekend....I know that was very stressful last weekend! The more I use this system I am becoming familiar with it, but I still think I liked the old system better :)
